So, the year of the well-fed yellow pig is ending and New 2020 Year – the year of the small white metal mouse is coming. More >>
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The year 2018, year of the yellow dog is ending and the year 2019, year of the yellow pig is coming. The frisky and cheerful dog is delivering the reins of government to the well-fed and calm pig.More >>
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Сountry: Russia
Locality: Moscow
Nearest metro station: Partizanskaya
Established: XVI
The Izmaylovo estate this is a reconstructed estate of XVI century. The museum – estate Izmaylovo together with the country estate Kuskovo and the estate Lublino are part of the Moscow State Integrated Art and Historical Architectural and Natural Landscape Museum-Reserve. The estate is located on the Izmaylovo island which is on the artificial Serebryano-Vinogradny pond in the Izmaylovo District.
On the territory of the estate we can highlight seven main buildings which were renovated or reconstructed because at the end of XIX century the estate was in a dilapidated and many buildings were destroyed. So, the main buildings of the estate are: The church of Joasaph Prince of India, the Royal Palace, the Entrance gates, Bridge tower, the Intercession Cathedral, the Church of the Nativity and the Military almshouse.
Also, on the territory of the estate there is a monument to Peter the Great. When you are on the Izmaylovo island you seem to be in the past. And big number of trees and the realization that you are on the island reinforce this effect. The walk through the estate under the high trees will give you a pleasure. In the estate you will look aside from the hustle and bustle of a big city and you will be able take a rest and enjoy the nature. Also, from the island open beautiful view to the Kremlin in Izmailovo.
The first mention of Izmailovo begins in XV century. At that time here was a village Izmaylovo. At the beginning of XVII century was built the royal fort. In 1663 the tsar Aleksey Mikhailovich decided to create an exemplary farm with a collection of the plants from whole territory of Russia and whole world. During many years the estate had prospered but at the end of XIX century the estate fell into decay and many of the buildings were destroyed. After the revolution the estate was reconstructed and in the buildings were organized communal apartments. In 1998 on the territory of the estate was established a monument to Peter the Great in honor of the 300th anniversary of the Russian navy. In 2007 the estate was included to the Moscow State Integrated Art and Historical Architectural and Natural Landscape Museum-Reserve.
Reach the estate is very simple. Go to the metro station Partizanskaya (partisan`s) and exit to Proektiruemuy (Projected) passage 6605. Turn right and go along this passage till Proektiruemuy passage 6604. On the crossroad turn left and go along Proektiruemuy passage 6604 to the Serebryano-Vinogradny pond. There tur right and go along embankment of the pond to the second Bauman bridge. Cross the bridge on the Izmaylovo island to the Izmaylovo estate.
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